Chicken Puffs

1 Cooking chicken (or 3 breasts) diced fine
1 small can mushrooms diced finely
1/4 cup margarine
8 oz cream cheese

1 Mix ingredients. Place heaping tablespoon full of ingredients on room temperature crescent rolls or use the Angel Biscuit recipe. Pinch edges and brush with butter. Sprinkle finely chopped nuts on top if desired and bake at 350 for 25 or 30 minutes.

2 Make a cream of mushroom gravy cover the Puffs. If using Angel Biscuits make 2 batches of biscuits. Leave biscuits 1/4 - 1/2-inch thick when rolling out.

Servings: 14

Source: Sherie K (my Mom)

***STORY: She used to make these for the ladies luncheon's at church. Everyone loved them. I can't imagine making THAT many though....WOW! I hope she had help. I don't remember helping...maybe I did...I just remember eating them. YUMMO!

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